Imaging is the center of the healthcare universe in more ways than we know. Embrace the Fortitech Radiology Information System Enterprise Solution to transform and enable patient-centric care
Fortitech Enterprise Radiology Information System (RIS) is a enterprise software system for managing medical imagery and associated data with integrated modules for patient administration, study order - examination, radiologist reporting, reports, statistics, and administration. It electronically displays, stores, retrieves, transfers, exchanges, and prints Radiology orders, results, and reports. Working with industry standard protocols like HL7 and DICOM, it is applicable for inpatient, outpatient, and non-patient settings. The RIS provides information to support clinicians and other authorized providers patient care activities, Track a patient's entire workflow within the radiology department; radiology providers can add images and reports to EHRs, where they can be retrieved and viewed by authorized radiology staff.
Enterprise Options
Implement, Support
Health IT
The Fortitech Enterprise radiological information system (RIS) is the core system for the electronic management of imaging departments. The major functions of the RIS can include patient scheduling, resource management, examination performance tracking, advanced reporting, results distribution, and procedure billing. RIS complements HIS (hospital information systems) and PACS (picture archiving and communication system) and is critical to efficient workflow to radiology practices.
Users can schedule patients examinations among different sites and branches of Healthcare Facility or Organization, share resources in the enterprise, manage consumables and supplies from any location , bill patients and stakeholders, handle and track medical reporting of patients from anywhere.
Along with our Solution, we provide 3rd Party Intelligence Integrations to all the clinical and drug knowledge healthcare professionals need to make decisions at the point of care - assessment and disposition, signs and symptoms, diagnostics and lab references, emergency protocols and algorithms, medical and dosing calculators, a drug interaction checker, patient education handouts, discharge instructions, follow-up care, and much more.
Available features with 3rd Party Integration along with Fortitech Enterprise RIS System:
International Drug Coding
Patient registration and scheduling
Patient list management
Worklist management
Modality interface using worklists
Workflow management within a department of radiology
Request and document scanning
Result entry
Digital reporting (usually using Voice Recognition (VR))
Printables like patient letters and printed reports
Result transmission via HL7 integration or e-mailing of clinical reports
Patient tracking
Interactive documents
Creation of technical files
Modality and material management
Consent management
Appointment booking
Voice Recognition (VR)
PACS workflow
Custom report creation
HL7 interfaces with a PACS. HL7 also enables communication between HIS and RIS in addition to RIS and PACS.
Critical findings notification
Rule engines
Cross site or Multi Site/Organization workfow
With our Integrated Solution, we provide information needed to help minimize preventable examination errors, including Reports, Imaging.
PACS Integration
Integration with Fujifilm, GE Healthcare, Hitachi Medical, Philips Healthcare, Siemens Healthcare, Toshiba Medical Systems and many more...
Integration with All Modalities
RIS Integration
HL7 Integration
Standardized clinical classification systems and terminologies are essential ingredients of the EHR. Their selection must be driven by a clear understanding of requirements for their use and application. Terminology implementation includes developing evidence-based clinical content through plans of care and protocols, describing and documenting care, monitoring care through decision support, satisfying quality and reimbursement reporting requirements, and analyzing care for continuing improvement; for this we have chosen world's top Healthcare Terminologies and Classifications.
Healthcare Terminology System SNOMED CT, LOINC, RadLex
Healthcare Classification System RSNA, ICD-9, ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-AM, ICD-10-PCS, ICD-O-3 (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System, ICPC - International Classification of primary care, ACHI - Australian Classification of Health Interventions, ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), ICNP (International Classification of Nursing Practice)
Healthcare Billing Terminology Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) used in the inpatient setting to bill for a patient's hospital stay, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) used to code procedures for billing, CDT (Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature)
Healthcare Application Programming Interface FHIR - Health Level Seven International health-care standards organization
Our Enterprise RIS and Integration API Support below Radiology Imaging Modality Types: -
CR -
Computed Radiography
CT -
Computed Tomography
MR -
Magnetic Resonance
US -
OT -
BI -
Biomagnetic imaging
CD -
Color flow Doppler
DD -
Duplex Doppler
DG -
ES -
LS -
Laser surface scan
PT -
Positron emission tomography (PET)
RG -
Radiographic imaging (conventional film/screen)
ST -
Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)
TG -
XA -
X-Ray Angiography
RF -
Radio Fluoroscopy
Radiotherapy Image
Radiotherapy Dose
Radiotherapy Structure Set
Radiotherapy Plan
RT Treatment Record
HC -
Hard Copy
DX -
Digital Radiography
NM -
Nuclear Medicine
MG -
IO -
Intra-oral Radiography
PX -
Panoramic X-Ray
GM -
General Microscopy
SM -
Slide Microscopy
XC -
External-camera Photography
PR -
Presentation State
AU -
Audio ECG
Cardiac Electrophysiology
HD -
Hemodynamic Waveform
SR -
SR Document
Intravascular Ultrasound
OP -
Ophthalmic Photography
Stereometric Relationship