Enterprise Class Application for Pharmacies, Hospitals, Clinics, Physicians and Pharmaceutical Vendors (Cloud and On-Premise)
Fortitech Enterprise Pharmacy Management System is a complete medication management system consisting of Electronic Prescription, Physician Drug Order, Pharmacy Stock Management for clinics, hospitals, Pharmacy Store Point of Sale and more. Together they provide a unique pre-integrated solution for medication management from order entry to medication administration. The intuitive user interface of the Fortitech Enterprise Pharmacy system is easy to learn and roll out to users along with Data migrations from other databases or existing systems. Enterprise Pharmacy Management application that truly acts as the hub for all pharmacy management activities, including prescription, dispensing, fully automated refills and reminders, workflow management, medication therapy management and stock management. Exclusive central pharmacy solution, goes beyond connecting the pharmacy management and point of sale system to integrating business and clinical operations in one complete, end to end solution.
Enterprise Options
Support, Customization
The Fortitech Enterprise Pharmacy Management System ensures the important aspects of Medication Administration by reducing human error and increasing patient safety. Our intelligent software drives cost efficiency into the medication management process while providing more time for patient care and an in-depth view of all prescriptions, verifications, medication availability and delivery. Designed to meet the needs of healthcare professionals today and tomorrow, our solutions manage medication administration that is easy to use, maintain and renew or extend prescriptions. Fortitech Enterprise, along with its suite of medication administration component tools, delivers a safe, smart and simple medication management solution.
Uniquely designed as a solution to the difficulties of manual order processing, Fortitech Enterprise Pharmacy System provides pharmacists with a clinical decision support, artificial intelligence that combines the elements of a conventional pharmacy system drug order and inventory management; with an added focus on medication safety and drug controls. Backed by Artificial Intelligence, Dashboards, Administration reports safeguards every step in order fulfillment at the pharmaceutical level.
Along with our Solution, we provide 3rd Party Intelligence Integrations to all the clinical and drug knowledge healthcare professionals need to make decisions at the point of care - assessment and disposition, signs and symptoms, diagnostics and lab references, emergency protocols and algorithms, medical and dosing calculators, a drug interaction checker, patient education handouts, discharge instructions, follow-up care, and much more.
Available features with 3rd Party Integration along with Fortitech Enterprise Pharmacy Management System:
International Drug Coding
Inventory Management
Supplier or Vendor Management
e-Prescription Management
Administer Controlled Drugs
Specialized Clinical Content
Drug Database
Pill Identification
Differential Diagnosis Generator
Drug Interactions Checker
Drug Allergy Checker
IV Compatibility
Laboratory Manual
Dosing Calculators
Medical Calculators
Evidence-based Medicine
With our Integrated Solution, we provide information needed to help minimize preventable medication errors, including instant drug-interaction checks against a patient's current medications, warnings for improper dosage, and medication allergies.
Trade names, generics, herbals, OTCs and supplements
Drug Interactions Checker
Drug-Allergy Checker
Patient education handouts
Adult dosing
Pediatric dosing
Nomenclature mapping (NDC, SNOMED, NDDB, etc)
Warnings and alerts
Mechanism of action
Adverse drug reactions
Overdose Management
Evidence-based practice recommendations
Standardized clinical classification systems and terminologies are essential ingredients of the EHR. Their selection must be driven by a clear understanding of requirements for their use and application. Terminology implementation includes developing evidence-based clinical content through plans of care and protocols, describing and documenting care, monitoring care through decision support, satisfying quality and reimbursement reporting requirements, and analyzing care for continuing improvement; for this we have chosen world's top Healthcare Terminologies and Classifications.
Healthcare Terminology System SNOMED CT, LOINC, RadLex
Healthcare Classification System ICD-9, ICD-10-CM, ICD-10-AM, ICD-10-PCS, ICD-O-3 (International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Clinical Care Classification (CCC) System, ICPC - International Classification of primary care, ACHI - Australian Classification of Health Interventions, ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health), ICNP (International Classification of Nursing Practice)
Healthcare Billing Terminology Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) used in the inpatient setting to bill for a patient's hospital stay, Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) used to code procedures for billing, CDT (Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature)
Healthcare Application Programming Interface FHIR - Health Level Seven International health-care standards organization